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Tech Verticals

IT Infra is a very specialised field and throws up multiple choices when an organisation decides to build an IT Infra for their workspace. We at IITPL have technically proficient teams who are capable of assessing, helping choose & building suitable IT infrastructures economically for SME organisations. The rich experience of over 5L man hours has made us the specialists in this space. There are multiple combinations of networks to be built; structured & managed network to unstructured & unmanaged networks; all possibilities exist and can be provided to the SME based on the correct assessment of their needs.

IITPL specialises in designing/ configuring the Servers for SME customers based on their specific requirements. There are a range of Servers available from HP, Dell & Lenovo and selection of the best should be made based on technical assessment of the resource utilisations and the Server’s benchmark power forays. Our strength area has been consolidating customer’s requirement best, both technically & economically. Then, building the Microsoft Windows Server & active directory for enhanced secured centralisation are part of our teams works.

Existing network infra or Server related challenges are also taken up by IITPL and are fixed for long term business continuity operations. Biz continuity operations can be made secured wherever & whenever required irrespective of within one office or multiple offices.

Data at rest & data in transit can be secured. While all important & or sensitive data needs to be secured, all necessary data needs to be updated & backed up regularly for any organisation. From structuring the data to building 7 layers of data security solutions; team IITPL builds them all. Through the assessments & audits we confirm to customers the choice of right appliances like UTMs, Firewalls and then the need of specialised tools like interceptor etc. Then, Data storage back up units, automated backup tools to integration of all these systems for complete data security functionalities IITPL provides the best. Data leakage & data theft have marred the SME sectors and team IITPL specialises in mitigating the risks associated with it.

Companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Coral draw, AutoCAD, Tally etc., have multiple software products and many a times similar products have multiple licensing policies. So, the SME customers, in the absence relevant licensing information tend to procure wrong software. Many a times; in spite of organisations procuring multiple genuine licenses, a single license is installed in different systems. All these kind of activities lead to license compliance issues. At IITPL, we do gap analysis, assessment and if required audits to get all the relevant information and then assist customers with next best steps. We also take care of segregation of wrong from the right and carry out all necessary implementations & license activations. The conformity to the principle companies license policies become viral for commercial entities and we take care of the same to ensure hassle free working conditions for clients.

 IITPL champions in converting the office environment into an efficient work place not only through its offering of a range of productivity tools like CRM etc., but through systematic & organised implementation of network appliances.

HP, Dell & Lenovo are global IT players and IITPL provides all commercial & consumer series IT hardware products ranges from these big 3 brands. Starting from laptops, Desktop PCs, All in Ones to providing customised systems & workstations for specific applications; we do them all. Systems processors range from Core i3, i5, i7 to i9 and each of these can have any configuration any both commercial as well as consumer series products. Multiple avenues of purchase create different prices ranges that confuse the customers even more. IITPL’s presales team hears out the customer’s real requirements and zero in on the correct configuration, after which the right product is chosen from all the 3 brands and dished out. This reduces the procurement burden on the organisations while still leaving them with good options to choose from. They are empowered to make informed decisions.

Organisations needing hardware Servers from these brands are provided by IITPL apart from implementing them for high productivity.

IITPL has a very strong & experienced team of engineers who support & manage over 4000 systems all over Mumbai & quite a few locations in Pune. IITPL offers two types of AMCs: Comprehensive & Non Comprehensive AMC services

We have 3 ranges of AMCs for varied client’s needs and have a TOT of 4 hours while   all our engineer’s actions are captured in an App to ensure dependable tech support   for clients.

Apart from the AMC services we also provide FMS – Facility Management Solutions           where in, the clients can get unhindered daily engineer visits during all their working hours under the contract

FireFence VPN

IITPL has built its own robust technology VPN which is offered economically for clients who don’t want to spend a bomb for secured remote connectivity. This replaces most of the expensive VPNs available to the customers and is provided under SAS model.

Document Management System:

This is not just about trading the scanners; its about selecting the right product along with integration of the right OMR OCR software tools to meet the requirements. IITPL has built several solutions for schools & institutes to builders, developers and also to few specific industries. IITPL is well equipped to handle & manage projects in this area

Many technology solutions like above are built and offered under this IT services umbrella.

IITPL provides range of cloud based solutions to vast types customers & they include;

  1. Mailing solutions – from google mails to Zimra kind of solutions
  2. Office 365 applications
  3. Private cloud implementations
  4. Cloud backup solutions – secured
  5. Cloud Servers & solutions